Mulberry Vitamin Infusions

Did You Know that We Now Offer Vitamin Infusions?

Thiesing Family Chiropractic Center is proud to team up with The Mulberry Clinic to offer Vitamin IV Infusions right here in our office.

Everyone can benefit from a Vitamin IV Infusion due to the fast absorption rate directly into the body.

If you or someone you know is suffering from any of the symptoms below, you could benefit from Vitamin IV Infusion:

  • Cold/Flu Recovery
  • Covid Recovery
  • Covid Vaccine Recovery
  • Weakened immune system
  • Too much inflammation
  • Just want to feel better
  • Chronic fatigue/tiredness
  • Migraines/Headaches
  • Detoxification
  • Decrease Pain/Increase sleep

Make an appointment today to see how you could benefit from this service in our office. Call (931) 490-0606

The Mulberry Vitamin Infusions has partnered with us and offers these IV services on Thursdays. Inquire and/or schedule at the front desk!

MYER’S COCKTAIL: IV infusion is an excellent way to improve hydration and allows for increased uptake and benefit from these supplements. This is especially beneficial for those with gut issues or genetic issues that cause them to not absorb these items effectively when taken orally through supplements or food. This is great way to improve general health.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Immune enhancement, anti-oxidant, anti-hypertensive, improves mood and energy levels

Vitamin B Complex (B1/B3/B2/B5/B6)

Cognitive enhancement, energy production, increased metabolism, cellular repair, anti-aging effects, decreases inflammation, improves circulation, improves anxiety/depression

Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin/ Hydroxocobalamin, no cyanocbalamin)

increases energy, improves mood, resolves certain anemia’s, helps with cellular metabolism for weight loss, improves recovery from illness.


Bone/teeth health, used in multiple metabolic processes


Muscle relaxant, pain reduction, improves sleep, improves nervous system function, can be used to treat acute asthma and migraines, regulates heart rhythm.

Immune Boost: This is great for if you think you are getting sick, trying to get over being sick, or planning to travel and want to prevent illness. It includes all the Myer’s cocktail ingredients plus the ones below. This will support your immune system so that it can prevent illness and/or clear out an active infection. This is also a good mix for liver detox and general health improvement.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Improves cognitive function and mood, can lower homocysteine levels and improve skin/hair.

Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol)

Used to enhance function of other nutrients


Immune enhancement, antioxidant, skin regeneration, DNA repair/anti-aging, hypothyroidism (converts T4 to T3)

Acetylcysteine (NAC)

Used to replenish glutathione (antioxidant), detoxifies the liver, breaks up respiratory congestion, reduces inflammation, helps regulate neurotransmitters.

*Glutathione (included in Immune boost, offered as a separate add on to Myers cocktail)

Immune enhancement, Liver detox, metabolism of toxins, wound repair, powerful anti-oxidant.

Pricing for Thiesing Family Chiropractic Clients

MIC B12 injection $25
Methionine, Inositol and B12

Myer's Cocktail $139
Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin B complex, B12, Calcium and Magnesium

Immune Boost $169
Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin B complex, B5, B6, B12, Selenium, NAC, Magnesium, and Calcium

Glutathione Push $18
The master antioxidant


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